There are several aspects of using colors in the Coaches Console calendar:
1. Setting up the default color for an appointment type: This is done in Calendar menu > Appointment types > create or edit appointment type > section 'Details'. This will be the default color when scheduling appointments of the respective type, not the color of the available time blocks that you setup for the appointment type.
2. Choosing a custom color for a scheduled appointment: When scheduling an appointment, you can also change from the default color (that comes from the appointment type settings) to a different custom color, if you want that.
3. Available time blocks all have the same light blue color and cannot be color-coded differently. The main reason for this is that a block of available time can be assigned to more than one appointment type and in that case, it would obviously be technically not possible to color the block with the colors of all the appointment types at the same time. Also, the available times being light blue makes them more easily distinguishable from the actual appointments with clients.
Finally, keep in mind that these colors are only showing in your coach calendar. They are not seen by your clients when scheduling in your calendar. The clients only see the scheduling options based on the available times you setup for them.