The functionality of the unsubscribe communication footer


The unsubscribe footer is a template that you can find and edit in My Account (top right corner) > Notification Templates > Unsubscribe Communication Footer. This footer template is added automatically to all subscription-based communications you send from the Console, which is everything under the Communicate menu: newsletters, group emails (send to at least 2 people), autoresponder messages. 

And this is to ensure that you comply with the anti-spamming legislation when sending this type of subscription-based emails from the Coaches Console, because the recipients of emails need to have the option to unsubscribe from your communications. So, while you can edit the wording in the unsubscribe communication footer, we do not advise that you remove the part with the replacement tag that generates the unsubscribe link for them.

The unsubscribe footer is not being added to direct emails sent to a contact from their profile (Contacts menu > Contact Name > section 'Other Communications') or to just one contact from Communicate menu > Emails, since they are considered personal emails. And it is also not added to work-related communications, such as appointment confirmations, reminders, and other type of client activity notifications.

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