I created and sent an invoice to a client and then she made a partial payment with a check. How do I mark this partial payment in the Console?


This is how you mark a partial payment in the Console.

  1. Go to CONTACTS > CONTACT NAME > “Invoices”.
  2. Click on the “VIEW” option in the menu to the right of the invoice you want to mark as partially paid.
  3. Click on the “Add payment” button.
  4. Type in the amount paid in the “Total Amount” column.
  5. Set the other aspects of the payment (date, method, reference number).
  6. Click on the “Update” button.
  7. To send the invoice with the partial payment, use the Re-send link to the left of the invoice (in the main client Invoices page).
  8. To print the partially paid invoice, click on the PDF link to the left of the invoice (in the main client Invoices page) and print the PDF version.
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