Does the address in the Client Profile form need to be the client's billing address and match with whatever credit card the client will be paying their invoices with?


One of the options that DirectPay (formerly Practice Pay Solutions) recommends is that the client's address matches their credit card billing address. This is a setting that has to do with your DirectPay (Practice Pay Solutions) account. It is an option recommended by Practice Pay Solutions; it is not required. If in your Practice Pay Solutions account settings you desire this option to be in place, then yes, the address in your client's Client Profile Form must be identical to the client's billing address for their credit card. If you do not desire this option, then when you log into your Practice Pay Solutions account and go to the "Settings" menu, you can turn this option off.  Then the address in your client's Client Profile Form does not have to match the credit card billing address and the client has more flexibility to use whichever card they desire.

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