No, the header can only be a static image (no video or Flash files). As a workaround, you could hide the header image on a page (Website > Pages > edit page > step '5. Design options' > scroll down to the section 'Hide elements on this page' > check the option to hide the header image and save), and embed a video in the page content at the top.
On an additional note, the Console doesn't have an embedded player for audio and video files. Still, you can embed video players and files hosted on 3rd party services like YouTube, Vimeo, AudioAcrobat, etc., as long as the 3rd party can provide secured URLs (of the "https" type) to the files hosted there. Otherwise, the Console being a secured website, the browsers will not allow the display of insecure content (the "http" type of file links). YouTube, Vimeo and AudioAcrobat, for example, provide such secured ("https") links to the hosted audio and video files.