Can I send emails from The Coaches Console?


Yes, you can send group emails (to multiple clients at once) from Communicate > Emails > button "CREATE EMAIL", after you perform a filtering and selection of the contact names. Follow the wizard steps to get through the entire process. You can create and edit email templates as well.

Or, if you only wish to send emails to one specific client, there is a feature for that in CONTACTS TAB > CONTACT NAME > Other Communication > link "Send Email to {Client Name}".

Keep in mind that these are not the only types of communications you can send. There are also newsletters, autoresponders and system notifications (for scheduled appointments, etc.).


  1. Please note that the Console does not provide or host an email address for you (as coach). You need to provide an email of your own to use in your Console's Communication Settings and the system will send the messages in the name of that email address.
  2. The clients cannot reply to your emails directly in the Console, although they can log into the client portal and leave a reply in the Client Log. But if they reply directly to your Console messages, those replies are going to your email address inbox.
  3. The client's Email Log (in Contacts menu > Contact Name > Other Communication "View All") only features the messages sent to the client by you (the coach) from the Console.
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