Do Buyers see the content that is available for active clients and hot leads?


The Buyers only see pages, forms and documents related to their products and courses, as they are added by you in the products content settings (Content > Products > edit product > tab '3. Content access'). The other content (like the one preloaded by default in the Console) is only accessible to active clients and hot leads.

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    Kimberly Jackson

    I had an active client who purchased a product and then became a buyer. As a result she now has two profiles 1 under active client and 1 under buyer and they have different information. I need to understand how that happened. I know that active and buyer are statuses, but I do not want this to happen again which a private active client purchases a product. I've read several posts and watched a video, but I am missing something....

    Thanks for the help!

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    The client most probably purchased the product without logging in first as active client and simply registered again, using a different email address than the one s/he uses in her/his active client entry. Email address is the unique identifier for a contact entry in your system, so if the client uses the same email address, the system tells her/him that the respective email address is already used in the coach's system and, if s/he is that client, s/he should login first and then purchase.

    If you have more questions about this, you can submit a ticket in the help desk (from your coach Dashboard > Support section), providing details. The replies to FAQs are not the main or the usual way we provide support to specific issues coaches encounter. :) We might see these later and reply with some delay.

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