How do I make sure that my clients are able to log into the private portal?


Make sure you send them an password reset email from Contacts > Contact Name > link 'Edit profile' in the top right corner.


Here are a few things to remember (that you may want to pass on to your client as well):

  1. The client needs to have a status of Active, Hot Lead, or Buyer (in their contact Profile tab on your coach end) in order to be able to login. Prospects and Inactive clients cannot login, even when they may have login credentials. For example, you may have switched an active client to a prospect or inactive status in the meantime.
  2. The username and password are both case sensitive and space sensitive.
  3. Sometimes if you copy/paste the username or password values, the highlighting/selection inadvertently includes blank spaces either in front or at the end of the username/password value which do count. That will then cause the username/password to not work properly. Rather than copy/paste, we recommend clients to TYPE in the username and the password, then click "Login". Or, suggest them to use the browser's password manager to store the Console login credentials (or a password manager add-on service installed in the browser, such as LastPass, etc.).
  4. Be sure that your clients are logging into your private website area from YOUR Console website URL (do not send your clients to the Members Login Screen at the Coaches Console website - this is for you and other coaches only to log into your Coaches Console system).  You can always find your specific Console website URL in Website menu > Settings > section "Website Prefix".
  5. Make sure you send a fresh password reminder to the client (via the path specified above) whenever they are telling you they are not sure of their login information. The client may be using older password credentials that possibly got changed by you in the meantime on the coach end.
  6. Remind the clients that they can use the 'Forgot password' link on the client login page to reset their password.

If, despite these instructions, some of your clients still encounter obstacles, you can submit a support ticket in the Help Desk ('Help/Support' section in the bottom right corner of your system > tab 'Support tickets'), mentioning the names of the respective client(s), and we will double check the client's credentials.

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