What business reports are available through The Coaches Console?

  • The Clients Reports allow you to track demographics and other personal information about your clients and contacts;
  • The Groups Report lists all your groups and clients within the groups. You can order the clients in alphabetic or reversed alphabetic order and download this data in .csv format.
  • The Certification Report automatically compiles your coaching hours into an ICF preferred format;
  • The Invoice Report gives you quick and easy access to amounts invoiced, money received and outstanding balances;
  • The Income By Accounts report allows you to track your revenue streams within your business;
  • The Projected Income Report allows you to forecast your income and client agreements;
  • The Clients Birthday Report lists your contacts and their birthdays allowing you to easily celebrate the events;
  • The Newsletter Report gives you a quick snapshot of how many people are subscribed to your newsletter and how many have unsubscribed;
  • The Evaluation Notes Report compiles all of the feedback received from all your clients into one convenient report.
  • The Clients Summary Report gives you a summary for all appointments (date and duration) and invoices for the active clients within the selected period of time.
  • The Client Agreements Report gives you in table view a summary of all your agreements with the clients. You can filter the report to only include the active clients or also the inactive clients.
  • The Products Report shows you data about product purchases by clients, with 2 filters: "Show Report For All Dates" and "Show Report For All Products".
  • The Course Tracking Data report shows you how many people enrolled in your courses over a customizable period of time.
  • The Email & Newsletter Stats report shows you how many people an email or newsletter was sent to, your open & click rates, how many emails bounced and how many people unsubscribed. 
  • The Bounced Emails report will show you what clients have an email that is bouncing, the reason for the bounce and allows you to remove them from the bounce list so you can attempt to send future emails to them.
  • The Autoresponder Stats report shows you that stats of each specific Autoresponder series in your system. Stats are how many messages in the series, total subscribers to the autoresponder, how many currently in the series, how many have finished the series and how many have unsubscribed from the series.

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