Can the Console handle both free and paid time-released (dripped) contents? I want to attract prospects with free information and convert them into buyers of paid coaching products.


Yes, time-released content can be managed through your Coaches Console with autoresponder series or courses (included in free products as content).

The autoresponders can be custom autoresponders (independent/standalone series created in Communicate menu > Autoresponders) or autoresponders associated with Opt-In Forms or products.

  • You can subscribe contacts manually to custom autoresponders (in Contacts menu > Contact Name > section 'Autoresponders' to the right side > link 'View all' > switch on an autoresponder series in the list to subscribe the contact to it).
  • People can subscribe via your Opt-In Forms (created in Website menu > Opt-In Forms) and get the associated autoresponder messages with the dripped content.

Or you can gift people products (created in the Billing menu > Products) that deliver an autoresponder or a course with dripped lessons. People can also get free (zero amount) products that you create and display on your 'Products & Services' page or elsewhere with a product purchase link or button.

And the paid dripped content would be delivered, of course, via products that are purchased from you by your clients.


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