How do I gift a product?


1. If you want to gift products to a single contact already in your system: go to Contacts tab > Contact Name > section 'Products' to the right > link 'View all' > button 'Gift a product' in the top right corner > select the product from the drop-down list > Save.


2. If you want to gift a product to several contacts already in your system: go to Billing > Products > option 'Gift' in the drop-down menu to the right of the product > in the page that opens filter your contacts list to get the names you want > check the box in front of the names > then use the button 'Gift product' at the bottom right corner of the page.


3. Also, if you have a product that you want to give for free to anyone, you can create it with a zero amount, display it on your Products & Services page, then visitors and clients alike will be able go and get it from there.

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