When I put a video into the emails, it is not showing up in the message the clients receive. It DOES show up in the preview.


Although the Console editor allows you to embed audio and video materials/players in messages (like YouTube, Vimeo, AudioAcrobat) and you can view them in the Console's preview mode of the message, they will not play inside the emails that the clients receive because email providers do not allow it for security reasons. What you can do instead is to provide the external link to the audio and video materials. The clients will click on them and be taken outside of their email inbox, on the external website where they can watch and listen to the content.

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    Dr. Yolanda Powell

    What is the purpose of offering embed video and allow us to preview if it doesn't work? I spent hour thinking something was wrong because I could see it in the preview but it don't go out in the client mail. This is one of the reason I signed up for cc I want to be able to send daily embed messages to my clients. Please advise

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    Hi, Yolanda,

    As the FAQ explains, you can embed a video in an email message, but it won't play in the client's inbox when the messages arrives because there is a security rule against that implemented by the email providers on the entire web (anywhere in the world). The same way embedded audio materials will not play inside email inboxes.

    The Console editor allows you to embed videos in emails because it's basically the same editor as for pages, course lessons or sidebar boxes, where you can embed videos and they will play in those mediums. Also, the preview mode of an email is constructed as a page, not like it would act when it's actually sent to the client's inbox, and that's why you see the video there.

    What you can do in emails is to simply provide a link to the video (where you have it on YouTube, for example, Vimeo, Amazon, or any other video services provider. People will get your email, they will click on the video link in the message and be taken outside of their inbox in a different browser tab/window to watch the video where it's hosted.

    Edited by Marius
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