How do I share with clients content (text, audio, video) that cannot be accessed by visitors?


You can put the content in pages (created in WEBSITE TAB > Pages > button ADD A NEW PAGE) and in the tab "Menus & Permissions" of the page wizard check the option "This page is private(only logged in clients can see the content of this page)", then proceed to setup the appropriate permissions.

Here are a few of other options, if you desire to keep the videos private:

  1. Add the private content as a Document. Then upload the document (in WEBSITE TAB > Documents) and you can assign the document based on "permissions" so that only the clients you wish to access each video can do so.

  2. On an individual client basis, you upload the content into the Client Log (this, however, must be done for each client separately).

  3. You can add the content as a document to the session notes that you take and send for clients after appointments.

  4. You can send an email to one or several clients where you attach the a document (or series of documents) with private content.
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