Can clients pay invoices via PayPal (or other methods) without logging in their Console client accounts?


If your clients log in the Console and pay via PayPal, their invoices will be automatically marked as paid. This goes the same for the other two payment processors that can be integrated with your Coaches Console: Stripe or

They can pay via PayPal (or Stripe,, other) outside the Console, but then you would need to mark the invoices manually as paid in your Console: go in your coach account to Contacts menu > Client Name > scroll down on the right side to the "Invoices" section > link 'View all' > click on "View" from the drop down list to the right of the respective invoice > then in the invoice window, scroll down and click on the button "Add payment" > select the payment payment method > type the reference number of the transaction (if the case) > and then scroll further down and click on the "Update" button.

After this, you can also send the client the receipt via email with the button 'Email to client'.


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