I haven't been receiving notifications about clients filling out forms. Why would that be?


A couple of aspects to consider first:

If you login as one of your clients (CONTACTS > CLIENT NAME > Login as {Client Name}) and go to a form, you will see that there are two buttons: "Save" and "Save & Send to Coach". If the client clicks "Save", the answers will be only saved. To send you a notification, the client needs to click on the second button ("Save & Send to Coach").

Secondly, as it happens everywhere with communications, some of the Console notifications can end up in your spam folder, so you should always make sure that you check that too.

That being said, can you please provide us in the help desk with a recent example where a client completed a form and you were not notified via email, so we can check in our back logs whether the system sent you a notification or not? We need the client name, the name of the form and the date with the archived answers (you can see that in CONTACTS > CLIENT NAME > FORMS > click on the form).

You can also perform a test: create an active client test entry and use an email address different than the one you use as coach (to better differentiate between the Console messages for the coach and the ones for your test client). Then grant permissions to the forms for your test client, login as the client, fill out the form, then click on "Save & Send to Coach". Check on your coach email address if you received notifications from the Console that your test client filled out the forms.

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