Can I refund in an invoice?


Yes, provided that a few conditions are met:

  1. For PayPal, you need to have recurring billing enabled in your PayPal account and enter your PayPal API Credentials in the Console (Billing menu > Settings > 'Recurring Billing' tab > section 'PayPal API Credentials').
  2. For an merchant account, you need to have the CIM (Customer Information Management) module enabled in your merchant account and validate it in the Console (Billing menu > Settings > 'Recurring Billing' tab > section " PracticePay CIM" > button "Validate").
  3. There is no special setup for Stripe in order to be able to refund (just the public and secret keys in your Console system > Billing > Settings > tab 'Merchant & PayPal' > section 'Stripe'.
  4. The invoices have to be paid by the clients via the Console system (on their private portal or for products purchased via your Console cart).

If these conditions are met, you can go to the client's Invoices tab (Contacts menu > Contact Name > scroll down to section 'Invoices' on the right side > link 'View all') and you will see a 'Refund' option in the drop-down list to the right of the invoice.

Note: Please keep in mind that, if you refund directly from your PayPal, or Stripe account, these refunds will not be reflected in the Coaches Console via the API integration (those invoices will still appear as paid in the Coaches Console).

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