What are the Console features that accommodate the GDRP legislation?


The following features help manage the GPDR requirements in the Console system:

  1. Contact entry deletion (from Contacts tab > Contact Name > Profile tab > section "Client Information" > button "DELETE CONTACT"). There is total or selective deletion of the client data, and the deletion is permanent and irreversible (we cannot recover the deleted client information for you), so make sure you assess the client's situation carefully before deleting the contact entry. If you need to keep client data in your system (for your Certification Report, for example) while the client asks for deletion, you can anonymize the data with the corresponding option in the deletion pop-up window.
  2. Clients can update their information on the private portal in their Profile form, to make sure there are no inaccuracies in their data.
  3. You can download the data for a client (from Contacts tab > Contact Name > Profile tab > section "Export Client's Data") and send her/him the file upon request.
  4. There is the option to "Include client's form answers in email notification" or not, in Website Settings area (for client data privacy in the email environment).
  5. The client password values are no longer sent as such via email, for improved security. Instead, the replacement tag $PASSWORD$ used in the Console communications with your clients generates a password setup/reset link, so that the clients can setup or reset the password on their own.
  6. Consent check-boxes can be added to Opt-In Forms for subscribers to express their agreement or lack thereof to receive additional marketing Console communications from you (video tutorial about consent check-boxes).
  7. All subscription-based communications (newsletters, group emails, autoresponders) have an "unsubscribe" link in their footer for clients' access to their subscriptions management page. Please keep in mind (and bring this aspect to the clients' attention where the case) that, while the prospects will be taken automatically to their subscriptions management page, the clients with statuses able to login (active, hot lead, buyer statuses) do need to login in order to access their subscription management page. A suggestion would be that you update the "Unsubscribe Communication Footer" template in My Account > Notification Templates section, to include this information. It should diminish people's potential confusion when they click on the "unsubscribe" link in your communications and are taken to the client login page first.
  8. In terms of back-end functionalities, we keep logs for the last 30 days that can help with knowing who accessed what in a coach's system, whether personal client information was modified and who is responsible for that. So, we can check these logs in case there are related inquires coming from coaches or clients in this regard.

If some aspects pertaining to this topic are still unclear to you, then please contact us with your inquiries in the Help Desk.

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