How can I prevent spam entries from being created in my contacts list via my Opt-In Forms?


These are some measures you can take to diminish the amount of spam entries:

  1. Activate the option "Enable Double Opt-In" feature in your Communication Settings (a video tutorial on how it works). This feature can help filter a lot of the potential spam entries, but please keep in mind that it does not have a full proof 100% efficacy, since some spam entries are created by humans who can use valid email addresses and manually click the double opt-in link in the email sent by the system to confirm their subscription. There are also some smarter bots that can automatically do this.
  2. Activate the "Enable Google CAPCHA for Opt-ins" feature in Website > Settings > section "Additional options".
  3. And you should mark as spam the entries that do get on your contacts list (Contacts > Contact Name > link "Mark as spam" in the top right corner). This will at the same time delete the entry from your contacts list and place the originating IP on a black list that the system keeps to prevent future other spam entries being created from the same IP. For bulk marking of contacts as spam, you can use the Search Contacts tool (a tutorial).
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