How do client communication subscriptions work?


In the Coaches Console system there are 3 types of communications:

  1. Subscription-based: everything setup and delivered from the Communicate menu (newsletters, group/campaign emails, autoresponder series). These are optional, often marketing type of communications, from which the clients can unsubscribe at any time with the unsubscribe link in the email footer that is added automatically to these communications. The coach can also unsubscribe clients manually from these communications either individually  in the client's profile (Contacts menu > Contact Name > link 'Edit info' in the top right corner > 'Subscription Settings' section) or in bulk using the Advanced Search Contacts tool (tutorial).


  2. Work-related notifications: These are notifications the clients need to receive in order to be able to work with the coach, such as appointment reminders, client log notifications, invoices, etc. Since it is vital to receive such notifications, the clients cannot unsubscribe from them.

  3. Direct emails: These are personal emails sent directly from the client's profile, and not from Communicate menu > Emails (also termed as group or campaign emails). When a client unsubscribes from receiving group emails, they can still receive direct/personal emails.
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