GDPR Resources and Templates
- What are the Console features that accommodate the GDRP legislation?
- How to Make Sure Private Messages are Not Passed Through Email
- [Webinar] GDPR & The Coaches Console: What You Need to Know and What You Need To Do
- GDPR – The basics of what you need to know
- What you should set up in your TCC to prepare for GDPR
- GDPR Templates for TCC Coaches
General Topics
- What happens to my Coaches Console if something happens to me?
- Shopping Cart Added Cost
- What do some of these icons in the content editor mean, and what do they do?
- I accidentally added a misspelled word to the dictionary while typing in a client's session notes. How do I remove the word from the dictionary now?
- What compatible computer platforms does Coaches Console work with?
- Is Coaches Console hosted on it's own server? If I have my own server, could I store my information on that?
- Can I offer a month free of charge in an agreement? Or bill different amounts each month?
- Why a coach cannot directly sign a draft agreement for the client, without the need to send it to the client via email?
- How can I see whether a client signed the agreement?
- Am I able to print the client agreement (as a pdf, for example) along with the date imprint of when the client agreed to it?
- I seem to have just deleted my agreement for a client. Can it be retrieved?
- Can a coach sign an agreement instead of the client?
- How to setup a recurring meeting in zoom to use with your appointment types
- Can prospects cancel appointments since they are not able to login?
- Can I print the session notes for my appointments?
- When I (re)schedule a past appointment of 60 minutes (for example), in the appointments section of the client, the system shows that all the minutes are left. How can I mark them as spent?
- I added a client to a group and a past appointment now features in her Appointments section. Why is that? It's not accurate because she did not really participate to the appointment.
- How will I know if appointments have been changed by the clients?
- Can I have more than one New Client Autoresponder?
- Do you have Autoresponders?
- Are the imported contacts subscribed automatically to Console communications?
- If a contact unsubscribes from autoresponders, does that mean s/he is also unsubscribed from newsletters and vice versa?
- How do I unsubscribe contacts from Autoresponders?
- Can I add a group to a Custom Autoresponder instead of selecting individual clients?
Billing Settings
- I activated my merchant account. How do I connect it with the Console?
- Because I live in Europe, I can't use DirectPay. For technical reasons (and also fiscally it's a bit complicated here) - I'd rather not use PayPal (here it's considered as a US bank account fiscally speaking). Is there any other payment solution for me?
- My clients get this error when they try to pay through my Console with PayPal: "The seller accepts encrypted website payments only. You cannot pay the seller through un-encrypted buttons. Please contact your seller for more details." Why is that?
- I am trying to set up my shopping cart and my merchant services provided an API but no transaction key. Where would I get the transaction key?
- What are the API credentials that I need to validate for recurring billing?
- Can we validate the Paypal API credentials? I got a "validation failed" error when I clicked it.
- How do I apply discounts to invoices based on coaching agreements?
- How can I sell/invoice my coaching services and also have a coaching agreement in place with the client?
- I have the client's credit card data. How do I make a payment?
- I have an agreement with automated invoicing, starting next month. However, the first invoice has already been generated. Why is that?
- Can the Coaches Console be integrated with QuickBooks such that I can pull my billing & client payment information into it?
- How can I enter payments for clients in the coach end?
- How does the Google 2-way sync work? It seems to be very slow.
- When I try to schedule series based on custom rules, it does not save. Why?
- Use of colors in the Coaches Console calendar
- My client sees duplicates for the Console appointments in their Google calendar. Why is that?
- If I delete an appointment type, will this delete the existing appointments of that type scheduled in the calendar?
- How Can a Prospect Cancel or Reschedule an Appointment?
Client Log
- Can I attach a file to notes anywhere under the client's menu?
- Are Client Log entries saved automatically if I forget to save them?
- Can a client email his notes into the Client Log or does s/he have to login and write those notes in the browser?
- How can I upload a document and place it in a specific client's file, but NOT allow them to view it?
- Can you explain the benefit of the Client Log as a tool?
- Can I post a message in the Client Log of multiple clients at once?
- Can clients create their own credentials?
- Can I change the username of a client?
- Can I export all my data and/or all my clients' data?
- Can I export my clients from Coaches Console to an Excel spreadsheet?
- Can I import clients' first and last names if they are both in one column of the import file?
- Can I import contacts directly into groups?
- Can I attach documents to messages in a series of autoresponders/newsletters?
- Can I brand my emails, newsletters and autoresponders?
- Can I include audio and video materials in my communications (emails, newsletters, autoresponders)?
- Can I schedule emails, newsletters and autoresponders at a specific time of day?
- Can my contacts unsubscribe themselves from my communications?
- Can you explain how the system notification templates work?
Communication Settings
- Can I attach documents to messages in a series of autoresponders/newsletters?
- Can my contacts unsubscribe themselves from my communications?
- Can the Reminder Email for the To Do list be sent to someone other than the coach who owns the Console?
- Coach email settings and client email settings
- Do inactive clients still receive emails, newsletters and autoresponders? How is this managed in the system?
- Domain branded links for improving the delivery rates of your Coaches Console emails
- How do I download a document to my computer so I can edit it?
- How do I make sure clients find their documents on the private portal?
- How do I move existing documents to a different category?
- What is the maximum file size for documents that I want to upload?
- What kind of files can I upload as documents?
- Are scheduled emails delivered in my coach timezone or the clients' timezone?
- Can I automate the sending of email messages?
- Can I brand my emails?
- Can I organize communication templates into folders?
- Can I personalize my email messages?
- Can I send emails from The Coaches Console?
- Can I assign forms to specific individuals or groups of contacts?
- Can I create form categories on my Console website?
- Can I create two Discovery forms (or of other type), one for older clients and one for newer clients, in a way that each of these clients see their appropriate version of the form?
- Can I download the clients' answers to forms and export them in Excel?
- Can I duplicate a form instead of recreating it manually?
- Can I edit the standard forms?
- Can I refund in an invoice?
- How do I assign people to a 4 week class and then invoice for payment in advance and set an invoice that everyone gets for a class?
- I am getting an error when I try to bill my client. It says that I must have an e-mail address to which to send it, but in her personal info section I do have three e-mail addresses in the "Invoice Email Address" field.
- What purpose do the options Credit Card, Cash, Check, Waived or Barter serve in invoices?
- I think I sent an invoice yesterday to a client. How can I see if I sent it, and how do I know when it has been paid by Paypal?
- Can clients pay invoices via PayPal (or other methods) without logging in their Console client accounts?
- How do I delete an item from my website menu?
- I notice that the buyers do not have access to the Calendar and Client Log menus on their client website. Why is that?
- How do I create a new menu to be displayed on my website?
- How do I change the order of my website menus?
- How do I link a form under the 'Forms' main menu?
- How can I stop the agreement page appearing on the client portal?
My Account (Settings)
- Default Content Preloaded in The Coaches Console - Total Console System(w/ the shopping cart)
- Default Content Preloaded in The Coaches Console - Basic Console System (no shopping cart)
- How do I edit the Invoice Reminder that goes out to my clients?
- I noticed that the unsubscribe link doesn't appear in the agreement email. Can you please explain?
- Is the contact information in the website footer an "all or nothing" feature? I want my website, email and phone number show up, but NO address.
- Does the system create login credentials for clients automatically, so we don't have to create them?
- Are my sent newsletters archived?
- Can a prospect change the email address where they receive my newsletter?
- Can I save my newsletter as a draft?
- Can I send a newsletter to just one person in my contact list?
- Can the Coaches Console send newsletters (and emails) to people I do not have in my contacts list?
- Can the newsletters be used as a blog or vice versa?
Opt-In Forms
- How can I prevent spam entries from being created in my contacts list via my Opt-In Forms?
- What is the sequence of events when someone opts-in on my website?
- When I add the HTML code for a buy button or an opt-in form to my Wix website, I get unexpected results.
- I changed my opt-in form, why is my old double opt-in confirmation email still going out?
- The $FIRSTNAME$ tag does not work in the Thank You page of my custom Opt-In form when I fill it out with a test subscriber. Why?
- Can I integrate LeadPages with the Console?
- How can I turn off a website page while I am working on it?
- Can I insert a Google map into a Console page?
- I've uploaded an image on my page, how do I change the size?
- How do I align an image in relation to text?
- I have more than one business niche and external domain names for each. Can I setup my Console website so that it points to my multiple niches?
- Can we upload and post videos on CC?
- How can I use the Projected Income Report?
- I know the "Projected Income" report uses the "Duration" of months tab in the "Agreement" section to project out the months. When I set an agreement to start on August 15, does it show up first in the September section of the income projector report?
- How can I use the Subscriber List Report?
- What does the Invoices Report track?
- How can I use the Income by Accounts Report?
- What does the Evaluation Notes report do?
Sidebar Boxes
Shopping Cart (Products & Courses)
- What are the discussion blocks used for in course lessons?
- Setting up the product name, description and price
- What does the option "Pay what you can" do in the product price settings?
- Why does trying to stop the payments for a recurring product returns the error "Unable to change payment status"?
- What are the possible combinations between product price and tax?
- When someone purchases something from my website is there a way to NOT send them login credentials?
- I have uploaded a new header photo. Why is it not appearing on all of the website pages?
- The Branding Elements of your Console Website
- How to Create Your Bio Page
- How can I have visitors of my Console website consent to my cookie policy (for GDPR compliance)?
- The Header Image: Best Practices Tutorial
- I pointed my domain name to my Console website, but the URL does not work with www in it. Why?