How do I unsubscribe contacts from Autoresponders?


First, contacts can unsubscribe themselves from any autoresponder and all other group communications (group emails and newsletters) sent from your Console, using the unsubscribe link in the footer of the communications. You can test this yourself with a test client, configured just like any other contact in your CONTACTS tab.

If you want to unsubscribe a contact yourself manually from an autoresponder, you need to go to CONTACTS > CONTACT NAME > Profile > “Autoresponders” section View All. Uncheck the radio button of the respective autoresponder, and then click on the “SAVE” button (basically the same procedure as subscribing manually a client to the autoresponder).

To unsubscribe several contacts (or groups of contacts) at once from an autoresponder series, you can use the advanced Contacts Search tool, where you filter your contacts and then perform the unsubscribe action (video tutorial).


If the autoresponder series was not sent completely (there are still scheduled and unsent messages in the series), the delivery of these messages will stop at that point when you unsubscribe the client. If you later resubscribe the client to the same autoresponder series, the delivery will resume from where it was left off (so the series does not start over from the beginning).

If the client already received all the messages in the autoresponder series, and you unsubscribe her/him from the series with the intention to resubscribe and resent these messages, this will not work. The system does not resend an autoresponder series to a client in order to avoid spamming. To resend the respective messages, you can either:

  • To schedule autoresponder messages as direct emails, please go to the contact's profile and click on 'Send email' right next to 'Other Communication.' Then, select the autoresponder messages from the email templates drop-down list and schedule them. Repeat this process for all messages in the series.,
  • or create another autoresponder series (by duplicating the original one) and subscribe the client to that autoresponder series.
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