Go to CONTENT> DOCUMENTS and click on the EDIT command in the drop-down menu to the right of the document.
Towards the top of this screen you will see a pull down menu for the categories. Click on this pull down menu and select the category you want to assign this selected document to. Be sure to click on "Save Document" at the bottom of the screen.
And you're done. Your document is now assigned to that category.
No, I'd like to know how to put a document in more than one category.
Michele, you first upload it and put it in one category. Then you upload it a second time and put it in a different category (select the category from the drop-down list when you create/upload the document). And so on: upload it as many time as you need, each time selecting the different category. This way, the document will be in as many categories as you need it to be in.
Thanks Marius, I had assumed that was one way of doing it but had hoped one could do it without having to re-upload documents. Ah well.
Yes, you need to re-upload it because you cannot duplicate a document in the Console in order to include it in a different category as well.