What are the API credentials that I need to validate for recurring billing?


The merchant account you use must support recurring payment processing (if you want to create products in your Shopping Cart that have recurring payments or installment type products).  Under BILLING > SETTINGS > "Recurring Billing" tab, the "Validation" button is for Authorize.net/DirectPay/PPS merchant accounts only.

For PayPal you do not need to validate anything there; you just need to enter the required pieces of information in the fields. You can follow the instructions provided by clicking on the tutorial links there. 

If you don't have a merchant account setup, you will see a red strip on the top of the screen when you go to the CART module to create a product: "Warning! You cannot sell online products just yet. Please visit Billing > Settings section to configure your payment gateway". If you don't have a merchant account that supports recurring payments, when you click on a product's recurring option, an alert will prompt you to setup a recurring payment method first.

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    Kelly Jefferson


    I recently set up a private Facebook Group for Group Coaching. Over 1000 ladies have joined the private group during my free pre-launch period already. I've already told them that on July 1, 2016, the private Facebook group will be via monthly paid membership only.

    My question is: I believe I already have recurring billing set up in my CC however, can I create a page for them to pay/set up their recurring payment WITHOUT each person having to create an account?

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    Hi, Kelly,

    If you don't want/need to have their payment situation in the Console, you could create a PayPal ongoing recurring product, place the buy button somewhere and invite the ladies to buy the membership that way.

    But if you want them to pay the monthly membership via the Console in order to keep tabs of that in the system, then the clients do need to be in your system; there's no way around it.

    You would have two ways to go about it: (1) create a product with recurring billing that they can purchase on your Console website or (2) have the clients subscribe via an opt-in form and, when they subscribe as prospects, setup open-ended client agreements for them with manual invoicing.

    1. Create a recurring product. The problem here is that at the moment you cannot create products with ongoing (open-ended) recurring billing in the Console. We will implement that, but it's not available now. You can only create them on a certain number of months (anywhere from 2 months and to any greater number you want). But you can put a big number of months, like 12, 24, 36, etc.

    2. The client agreements can be setup as ongoing, so you don't need to renew them, but there will be a bit more work involved on your part, as you need to create them for each person that will subscribe to your Facebook group offer, and you need to create the invoices manually each month. Or you could create the agreements on a determined period of months, like the products, and with automated invoicing, so you don't have to create the invoices manually each month.

    So, a product would be the easier way to go, I would say.

    I hope this helps. Please let us know if you have more questions. Don't forget you can submit tickets in the Help Desk. We might not notice some of the replies in these FAQs, so it's safer and faster to submit tickets. :)

    Edited by Marius
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    Susie Crum

    Hi Marius-I just read what was written above and that was helpful. I have created my product for full-pay in my system, but would also like to offer a 2-pay option. I only have a simple Paypal account, so I didn't know if I needed to upgrade to be able to do that, or what I would need to do? Thanks!

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