Why do I keep getting multiple email notifications when my client updates their forms?


If you are experiencing this only when clients update a form and submit their answers, then most likely it is a result of the number of times a client clicks on the "Save" or "Save and Send To Coach" button.

When a client navigates to the FORMS Tab and accesses the Client Profile form, every time the client clicks the "save" button at the bottom of the profile form, the "save" button triggers the system to send the notification to the coach that the profile form has been updated.

If a client accesses the other forms (Goals, Discovery, Evaluation, etc), they will see two buttons at the bottom of the screen: a "Save" button and a "Save and Send to Coach" button. For these forms, often because it takes the client a bit longer to complete the answers, the client can click the "Save" button and it will simply save the changes on the private client website page only.  When the client clicks on the "Save and Send to Coach" button, that button triggers the system to send the notification to the coach that the form has been updated. If a client clicks on the "Save and Send to Coach" button multiple times, multiple notifications will be triggered and will land in the coach's inbox.

This might be a great FAQ to add to the private website area of your Console system, so that your clients are clear to only click on the "Save and Send to Coach" button once, when they are ready to submit all of the information to their coach.

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