Replacement Tags - Client Log Entry (by Coach) Notification Template


The following are the replacement tags that are found in the Client Log Entry notification template. You will see what the tag looks like as well as what information replaces the tag in communications

IMPORTANT: Replacement tags only work in communications sent to clients, not in pages.

$FIRSTNAME$ - client's first name

$LASTNAME$ - client's last name

$CLIENTCOMPANY$ - name of the client's company

$USERNAME$ - the client's username to login to the Private Portal

$PASSWORD$ - the client's password to login to the Private Portal

$LOGNOTE$ - actual content of the client log entry

$LOGDATE$ - date the client log entry was created

$LOGLINK$ - link that allows the client to login and view the client log entry

$COACH_FIRSTNAME$ - coach's first name

$COACH_LASTNAME$ - coach's last name

$WEBSITE_PHONE$ - phone number that displays on your TCC website (found in Communicate Tab > Settings > field "Phone to display on the website")

$WEBSITE_EMAIL$ - email address that is displayed on your TCC website (found in Website Tab > Settings > section "Additional Options" > field "Email to display on website footer")

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