Below is the default contract terms template provided by the Coaches Console system as an example you can work with. You can copy this template, read it carefully and customize it with your own data:
"I look forward to working with you. I am deeply committed to helping you create and achieve your vision for your personal life and your career. Together we will explore what you want and what your natural and most powerful way of achieving that is.
There are two aspects to our coaching. The first includes the strategies and tactics and doing what I call the "internal work;" Identifying and updating the core beliefs and habits currently creating your life experiences.
The second aspect is what makes this sustainable while creating ever-growing levels of attractiveness. This would be attracting everything and anyone you want to have the life of your dreams. You are the greatest expert on your own life. I will help you to get in touch with that expert, your own inner coach. That part of you knows exactly what you want and gives you clues every day about what to do next. Working with your vision of what you want your work and your life to look like, we will use those clues to take actions that lead to extraordinary results.
By learning to pay attention to these clues, your attention will be drawn to people, things and situations. Your intuition and trust in yourself will dramatically improve your decision-making, timing and results. Your work and your life then becomes a very enjoyable and continuous treasure hunt with unlimited treasures. This includes accelerating your ability for effortless success and having more of what you want in your life. Having a clear Coaching Agreement establishes a foundation for our work together.
Coaching services are not in any way to be construed as, or a replacement for, psychotherapy, legal counsel, or medical advice. You are responsible for creating your own decisions and results. You agree not to hold me, or any company I am affiliated with, liable for any outcomes resulting directly or indirectly from the coaching process.
As your coach, you can expect me to:
1. Be a partner in bringing out the best, the deepest, and the truest in you
2. Provide safety, encouragement and support; an environment in which you can relax and explore
3. Respect the confidentiality of the agreements we make
4. Expand your view of what is possible and promote discovery of new insights
5. Give you input, straight feedback and operate as a sounding board
6. Listen carefully to what you say and ask questions that increase awareness
7. Be an on-going resource for you in accomplishing your intentions
I expect that you, as my client will:
1. Cultivate a core honesty with yourself
2. Commit yourself to intentions that are truly meaningful and significant to you
3. Be open to my feedback, and keep me honestly informed as to what is and is not working for you
4. Take ownership for your progress and your accomplishments
5. Take financial responsibility for your coaching time. If you are unable to give two days of notice for a missed appointment, you may receive your coaching via email exchange.
My philosophy is that you have the capacity and the inner resources to
approach your current life situation in a way that transforms your
ability to have more of what you want and with considerably less effort.
Our coaching system includes __# of contacts per month. These calls are scheduled on a fixed time slot (same day, same time), typically within the first three full weeks of the month. These calls are 40 minutes in duration. In between regularly appointed coaching sessions, we will use email "post-session recaps" to enhance and anchor the benefits of your coaching. This will create a "journaling" of your success.
Please call me at _INSERT PHONE #/BRIDGELINE__ at ____the TBD time _____ on the __TBD days____ of each month, unless other arrangements have been made.
On occasion, you may have an urgent question, request for feedback or want a confidential response to some situation where you don't want to wait for your next call. This is a "just in time coaching" where you can use email to get a timely response. In an emergency, you could call me direct.
Everything we will be using in this coaching experience (tools, forms, schedules, documents, resources, etc) will all be housed conveniently on a secured and confidential "Private Client Website". Upon enrolling for the coaching experience, you will be given a unique username and password. At your convenience you may access this "Private Client Website" area to access, review and/or update the tools, documents, resources, etc that we'll be using through our coaching. I will provide you with the access information and further instructions once we begin coaching.
Through this Private Client Website I will provide you with a specific tool to support you in preparing for your coaching sessions so you can leverage every minute we spend together. I will also provide you with another specific tool to support you after our coaching session is complete; this will keep the coaching going into your everyday life. And in between each coaching session you will have access to me via email and a Client Log tool so that at any time you have questions, become stuck or care to share victories I am available to you.
The Coach represents, warrants and agrees as follows:
All information provided by the Client to the Coach during the course of the coaching relationship will be deemed "Confidential Information" and kept strictly confidential unless otherwise agreed in writing. The Coach will not disclose any communications, either verbal or written, that have taken place either between the Coach and the Client or with regard to this Agreement without the prior written consent of the Client.
This confidentiality restriction also applies to testimonials, which the Coach may use for promotional reasons only with the consent of the Client. The Client may request anonymity in connection with any testimonials to be used.
Notwithstanding the foregoing, "Confidential Information" does not include information that is:
(a) previously known to the Coach prior to discussions regarding this Agreement, free from any obligation to keep it confidential, or
(b) publicly disclosed by the Client either prior to or subsequent to the receipt by the Coach of such information, or
(c) independently developed by the Coach without any access to Confidential Information, or
(d) rightfully obtained by the Coach from a third party lawfully in possession of Confidential Information who is not bound by confidentiality obligations to the Client.
The Coach may disclose Confidential Information if required to do so under applicable law, rule or order; provided that the Coach, where reasonably practicable and to the extent legally permissible, provides the Client with prior written notice of the required disclosure. The Coach will return, or at the Client's request, destroy, all copies of the Confidential Information in the Coach’s possession or control upon termination of this Agreement.
The total of our coaching agreement is for $________.
You have two choices as to how you pay for these services:
_____PAYMENT OPTION A: Pay In Full
With this option, the total amount of the agreement ($_________) is due at the beginning of our coaching agreement. If you pay in full you will receive a 10% savings ($_____ savings), bringing the total payment to $________ due prior to the first coaching session.
_____PAYMENT OPTION B: Pay each month
With this option the agreed upon monthly payment would be made by credit card and automatically processed by my office on the 7th of each month. The total monthly payment would be $_______/month.
Achieving the life of your dreams is a one year process. I commit to the price above for # of months and you commit to staying in the process for # of months .
Your "Participate Or Get Your Money Back Guarantee!"
We want you to join in the coaching experience. You have been looking for this resource and we do not want to delay you any longer. And in order for you to feel comfortable with your decision, we are going to take away any financial risk you may perceive.
If after participating fully, you do not agree that the process of coaching is worth every penny of the price you paid just let us know anytime within the first 30 days of your coaching experience and we will promptly make arrangements to refund your charge card for the entire amount.
This program is about you taking positive action to develop a powerful foundation on which to simplify and manage your life. If you participate fully, you'll get the kind of results outlined. If you do not show up for the calls or follow through on the commitments we’ve made together, the only guarantee is that it will not work for you!
If you are ready to experience the results you want in your life, click "I Accept" below and you'll be prompted on how to get started."